I’m a UX leader who empowers design teams to do their best work.

Man in his late 20s wearing a blue shirt

About me

I’m a Minneapolis-based UX leader who’s spent 13+ years building digital experiences. In that time, I’ve embraced a leadership style rooted in storytelling and believing in my team.

This approach has led to amazing outcomes. Keep scrolling to learn more.

The design principles I live by…


Every element serves a clear purpose, whether practical or aesthetic.


A real human problem is being solved and thus the experience matters to the user.


The user never feels lost, they know what they’re doing and where they’re going next.

My experience

Sr. UX manager at Best Buy

Lead and manage a team of designers focused on making Best Buy a Best Place to Work.

Sr. content designer and UX lead at U.S. Bank

Act as content designer for multiple online banking teams and lead UX for the enterprise notification team.

Content strategy manager at Content Reactor

Lead and manage a 7-person content strategy team that supported 20+ growth startups.

UX content strategist at BrandHoot

Drive UX content strategy for the agency (clients include Mayo Clinic) and lead content marketing.

Lead UX content strategist at Lionbridge

Act as the lead content strategist for Samsung’s mobile design system.


UX case studies